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    英文 Study Plan 範例

    申請英國或是美國碩士班的留學生總是要準備英文版的 Study Plan 或是 SOP .很多留學生寫不出所以然,以下為申請行銷學碩士班 MA Marketing 英文Study Plan 範例之一,可供參考.



    Study Plan

    By xxxxx(學生英文名字)


    In this fast-paced, ever-changing and competitive business industry, I often feel vulnerable and acknowledge my lack of in-depth learning to the modern market. Because of this, I have a very strong desire to do further study overseas.


    I graduated from the department of Economics in xxxxxx University(大學英文名字) in Taiwan. The essence of our studies was to learn general economics and then to practically apply the ideas to the real life. I have an open mind for all new things. I personally believe that attitude matters in dealing with business affairs and life in general. In addition to my major subjects, I also took some business courses in the university. The learning process and their methodology have helped me to understand and evaluate problems better from different perspectives and therefore allow me to find other more optimum solutions.


    Business has changed dramatically over the past few years and will continue changing with greater acceleration in the coming years. Global markets are forging a rapid convergence between the traditional corporate giants and the nimble Internet companies, and we will have to prepare to balance the extremes. Thus, professionals in all aspects of business administration are in urgent need. Due to the lack of enough knowledge and skills in business discipline, I must enrich and improve the comprehensive business knowledge and management skills to keep up with the trend of global markets and to make a quantum leap in my career path.


    Through the years in workplace I touch and conduct many international business deals and projects. They all show the simultaneous trend, Internationalization. Because the Internet and transnational corporations rise, more and more powerful competitors appear around the world. It makes me think that today’s business people have to equip greater views to the world. Moreover, the influence of European countries on the world is increasing; it is a good way to build an international viewpoint of professional contacts during my studies in Europe.


    Furthermore, Marketing is an exciting and innovative program. It can not only offers a theoretical framework of Marketing studies but also orients us to the real world of business arena, which is a dynamic balance of theory and practice. The case study and presentations are very attractive parts of the curriculum and I look forward to the discussions with colleagues from various educational and professional backgrounds around the world. With a lot of case studies and teamwork training from this Master program, I will learn how to cooperate, coordinate, and manage among a variety of people and bring a good or mutual beneficial solution to the whole. After finishing my master studies, I will come back to Taiwan and at the same time, I hope that I can find more senior employment position where I can find good use of the theories and experiences obtained during my studies abroad.



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